Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analyze the reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Analyze the reading - Essay Example However, as the natural law demands that each individual respect each other’s space and choices, it is also the requirement of the law that the choice individuals must be within acceptable limits that adhere to ethical and moral expectations. Given the application of the natural law, this analysis paper takes into consideration the theories of blind obedience, antislavery theory, moral truth, natural law ethical theory, and the double effect principle. One exclusion criterion in this paper involves the separation of ethics, morals, and religion. The analysis is philosophical and does not consider ethics and morals as part of religious expectations when considering natural law. In the target text, Second Treatise on Government, the author is observed arguing that the fact that the natural law exists, it is not upon the duty of anyone to be authoritative over one another. Arguing from the creation story from the Holy Bible, the author points that God is the creator of all the universe and controls how humans relate and therefore it not under anyone’s responsibility that humans have to behave in a specific manner dictated by laws and authority. However, when considering the evolution of human ethics and morals, governance developments take into consideration the author’s points that authorities include entities that have the authority and capability of punishing others if found on the wrong side of the law. Law in this case is not natural but takes into consideration the natural law. Since natural law considers everyone equal and having the right to live without being disturbed, the civil law on the other hand aims at controlling how people or members of the society interact with each other as well as punishing those who take the natural law’s rights form others. With the possibility of imprisonment, execution, and hard labor; it is the order of the authorities through constituted law to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Law of Increasing Cost Essay Example for Free

Law of Increasing Cost Essay The three types of unemployment are Structural, Frictional and Cyclical Unemployment. Structural unemployment occurs due to the disparity between the skills of a person whose looking for a job and the skills needed for the jobs available thus, the job seeker’s profession or skills is not likely related to that line of work. Frictional Unemployment is another type of unemployment which is strongly related to structural unemployment as the two both depends on the dynamics changes in the economy. Thus, the people who do not even have work may not accept the first job offered to them because of the skills needed for the job and the salary. On the other hand, Cyclical Unemployment is due to lack of demand for work and is attributed to economic contraction. Cyclical Unemployment- the Government should implement and fund a program where in poorer and jobless people with capability can be able to have their own job and receive necessary payment. In doing such thing they can be able to increase productivity and economic efficiency as well as the workers welfare. Answer to question no. The Law of Increasing Cost states that as the Marginal Cost, say X, increases the Cost of the Product, say Y, decreases and vice versa. Thus, the cost of product is dependent and inversely proportional on the marginal cost of that product. Cost of Product (Y) Marginal Cost (X) Answer to question no. 5 A progressive tax is the rate of the taxes that increases as the tax payers’ income increases. The system defends on the percentage of income of an individual. Those high-income people should pay higher percentage of tax than those low-income people. An example of progressive tax is a Graduated Tax. The general sales is said to be regressive because everyone including the rich and the poor utilize it and therefore has to buy goods in order to survive for example clothes, the poor pay more of the percentage of the sales (clothes) tax compare to the rich people, that is why it is regressive. Answer to question no. 6 Inflation hurt the rich and much more the poor people. In order for the rich to uphold their ways of living they are tend to pay much greater price for the goods and services. In a worse case, the poor may not be able to afford those goods and services, thus it posses a threat to their family and to the economy in general. On the other, economist may benefit from inflation since they can somehow predict inflation rate and thus, make appropriate preparations. Answer to question no. 8 Public Good are goods and services that are available for everyone to consume. Also, consumption of these goods does not decrease the availability of the supply. Such good includes information goods and human rights. On the other hand, a private market offers goods that are the exact different of public goods, goods that are good for only one consumption and is for everyone to consume. Thus, the main reason why the public market cannot offer public goods is because public goods are free and the private market, more or less, does not offer free items. Answer to question no. 9 Full employment is define as the state and condition of the national economy, where all of the job seekers are willingly accept the job offers to them regardless of the amount of wages they are about to earn as well as the working conditions. It clearly indicates 0% of people who do not have job or unemployed. Answer to question no. 10 No. It is the objective of the public market to increase revenue and thus, it important to give greater attention to the benefits that the firm will have rather than that of the society. Because positive externalities mean that the society will gain greater benefit than that of the firm, it is likely that the public market will not be able to produce the socially optimal amount of good that is characterize by positive externalities.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Myra Hindley :: essays research papers

A sadistic temptress, the aid and probable prompt of an evil and cold blooded killer. Or a 'political prisoner being used as a scapegoat by politicians and the media'? This is a very sensitive subject and people often respond with fear and anxiety when we decide to examine things like the Moors murders. We are told that our curiosity is 'unhealthy', and that wanting to know,or openly debate about a matter which is 'naturally' closed, can only be the desire of a sick mind. We are encouraged to turn a blind eye and leave well alone. It is obvious to me that to wish to examine something is not to condone it. Yet when somebody tries to ask questions about taboo subjects today, they are assumed to be sympathetic to the subject, maybe even a little deranged, and certainly suspect. They become an outcast, and this coming adrift from the herd is also something which many fear. Many say better to be seen to be part of the lynch-mob than to become its quarry but these are the people who don't have the strength of character to even attempt to be the quarry. During their trial, neither Hindley nor Brady showed remorse. Both were sentenced to life. They are still in prison at this time. The judge has stated that she will indeed spend the rest of her days in prison with no chance of ever being paroled, so why does she still argue against the judges decision ? A lot of pressure is put on Governments to keep Hidley inside and whether or not she is to be released is now often stated in party political statements prior to elections, as it is feared that the overriding pubic opinion could win or lose elections. On November the twenty - first supporters of Hindley called for a review of sentencing procedures after Jack Straw reaffirmed the decision of his predecessor, Michael Howard, of never releasing Hindley from prison. The ruling came under immediate attack from penal reformers and civil liberties campaigners. Myra Hindley is still petitioning for her release On October the seventh, 1998 Hindley concluded a hearing at the Court of Appeal trying to overrule her "whole-life tariff." In her new attempt at overturning her life sentence and win the right to a parole hearing, Hindley claimed that she can prove that she took part in the Moors murders only because Brady abused her, and threatened to kill her mother, grandmother and younger sister if she did not comply with his wishes.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

teh rechartering of the national bank by Andrew Jackson :: essays research papers

The Rechartering of the National Bank In 1832, a Renewal Bill for the United States Bank came up to the President, Andrew Jackson. He vetoed this bill for the Bank, and in the address that he included with the veto stated that he knew that this would be an issue, and that people would not like it. He told in this address all of the clear and obvious reasons why he vetoed against the bank.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, Andrew Jackson, aimed towards all of the strict constructionists, brought up the point that the formation of a national bank is not in the Constitution, and therefore there is no reason why we should be able to use it. President Jackson also said how the national bank is â€Å"rebellious of the rights of the states, and dangerous to the liberties of the people†. Jackson could see that the bank was a monopoly, and the danger that this could bring. He said how the bank is run primarily by 25 people, 20 of which are elected by the bank stock holders, the other five are elected by the bank officials themselves, who in the long run can keep reelecting themselves, and corruption is bound to follow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main point that President Jackson made in his address for the veto was that too much of the money in the U.S. Bank was from foreign countries. When private stockholders from other countries don’t pay their debts, it hurts the U.S. economy, but even worse then that is the foreign business that the bank does creates an incredible amount of foreign dividend that the U.S. citizens have to pay for, in their taxes. The President says that the banking system should be entirely American; all of the stockholders in the United States Banking system should consist of U. teh rechartering of the national bank by Andrew Jackson :: essays research papers The Rechartering of the National Bank In 1832, a Renewal Bill for the United States Bank came up to the President, Andrew Jackson. He vetoed this bill for the Bank, and in the address that he included with the veto stated that he knew that this would be an issue, and that people would not like it. He told in this address all of the clear and obvious reasons why he vetoed against the bank.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, Andrew Jackson, aimed towards all of the strict constructionists, brought up the point that the formation of a national bank is not in the Constitution, and therefore there is no reason why we should be able to use it. President Jackson also said how the national bank is â€Å"rebellious of the rights of the states, and dangerous to the liberties of the people†. Jackson could see that the bank was a monopoly, and the danger that this could bring. He said how the bank is run primarily by 25 people, 20 of which are elected by the bank stock holders, the other five are elected by the bank officials themselves, who in the long run can keep reelecting themselves, and corruption is bound to follow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main point that President Jackson made in his address for the veto was that too much of the money in the U.S. Bank was from foreign countries. When private stockholders from other countries don’t pay their debts, it hurts the U.S. economy, but even worse then that is the foreign business that the bank does creates an incredible amount of foreign dividend that the U.S. citizens have to pay for, in their taxes. The President says that the banking system should be entirely American; all of the stockholders in the United States Banking system should consist of U.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Juicy Couture Advertising Analysis Essay

Typical high fashion advertisements consist of a beautiful female model, wearing the most expensive clothing, looking classy and elegant. Somewhere there is usually a toned gorgeous man looking at her in awe, also wearing incredibly fashionable clothing. These ads, however effective on the minds of the masses, are not the same approach the infamous Juicy Couture brand takes. Bought by all types of women, from mothers to teenage girls, everyone wants to be part of the Juicy phenomenon. Juicy Couture’s image isn’t the stereotypical wealthy, high fashion kind of depiction. They show a more mainstream glamour and luxurious wealth. Their bedazzled track suits and terrier crowned logo shows their abnormal high end fashion. However, the brand is still very fabulous and expensive being â€Å"Made in Glamorous USA† (â€Å"JuicyDeals†). The advertisements of Juicy Couture try to show this same kind of image. The usual Juicy advertisements are displays of a picturesque suspended girl universe, by reflecting a modern, girlish, avant-garde display with a whimsical kind of spirit (Brown et al). Interesting and bizarre, they never fail to catch the eyes of women and girls of every age and race. Juicy couture has a different and outrageous kind of style that never fails to tap into the needs and desires of girls all over. According to their ads, with Juicy couture women can be prominent, can dominate, and can definitely get anything they want. In 2009, Juicy ran an ad campaign titled â€Å"Do the Dont’s. † Each ad depicted models breaking the rules, being rebellious, and going against what is expected by society. One of the ads shows a women dressed in business-like attire, pale skin, and hair done up in a boy-like style. She is leaning against a man dressed in complete contrast to her. He’s tan and dressed in a more feminine fashion with long shaggy hair, a tulle skirt, and carrying a purse. He stands causally like a female with his hip cocked out to the side. In the background you see a pink mansion like house, with beautiful plants and magnificent windows. Above them it says â€Å"Do the Dont’s. † Below that in light blue, the phrase â€Å"You can always get what you want† is written in messy-like handwriting. The items being advertised is everything from clothes, purses, jewelry, and perfumes. The purse and the fur coat, the socks, and the black dress are all Juicy Couture. Below their feet is the unmistakable â€Å"Juicy Couture† logo. In big, bold, fancy lettering, outlined in white. The overall name for the campaign is a striking small simple phrase that catches the eyes and can hook audiences in. On the ad it’s in black block lettering, at the top of the picture in a small type of font. To say do what is unexpected of you is something Juicy already does however, for this campaign, they are saying if girls want to be a part of this fun, superficial, girly, unrealistic world, you have to be different. When the line first came out it was different kind of high fashion that no one had seen before. They then incorporated that into their whole theme of their ads by showing a more unrealistic view of the wealthy with a forward-thinking view of fashion The house is a girly fantasy, being that it is pink, but it also shows how the pair are probably rich, and the rest of the house is just as wonderfully exotic as the two in front of them. It’s like they are a part of this beautiful world that only a few are able to see and to be like those in the picture it is necessary to be just as unrealistic as them. â€Å"You can always get what you want† is the main concept of the advertisement. In a bright blue color and it look as if it was hastily written on top with a paint brush, it is the first thing to notice. The phrase is big, bright, and takes up most of the page making it truly stand out. The two phrases correspond with each other. If you â€Å"do the dont’s† â€Å"you can always get what you want. † Or â€Å"you can always get what you want† by doing the â€Å"dont’s. † The phrase implies that with juicy couture you can get whatever you want. The models in the background give the message even more of a meaning with how they look. They give off the air that they truly can and do have whatever they want. It is even written like the person who wrote it, didn’t care about what people think. Who wouldn’t want to have everything? Jib Fowles in an article wrote about how advertising use different types of appeals in advertising. Fowles says as a â€Å"need for dominance† and a â€Å"need for prominence† is one of the ways that advertisers pull people in. This advertisement feeds the desire for women â€Å"enjoy prestige and high social status† (65). Women aspire to control and want to be admired. These appeals are shown in just the catchphrase of the advertisement, never mind the photo behind them. Although the writing may be the first thing seen behind it is an abstract photo Juicy is famous for. The female model is in control, and strongly dominates the photo. Her direct gaze toward the camera is confrontational showing she is unafraid of power, her smirk saying she already knows she’s got it all. She stands in a firm yet casual pose showing she’s comfortable with her status, even though to some people it could be unsettling. She’s happy and at ease with her life and wouldn’t change a thing. These aspects make her more of a conformist which is opposite of what a women in fashion should look like. She causally has her arm on his shoulder further showing her dominance. He is like her pet, or maybe her play toy (Brown et al). She is prime example as to what Fowles says about prominence and dominance. This model obviously shows both with her strong contrast to her male counterpart emphasizes this fact even more. Dressed casually like a girl the male model’s chest is bare showing to the audience that he’s not trying to be a girl but he’s not afraid feminine side (Brown et al). They differences between our very strange couple also leads into the â€Å"Do the Dont’s† aspect of the campaign. A man dressing like a woman is definitely going against the grain. In most advertisements men are shown as the strong leader of the person who dominates, but here it is quite clear that he couldn’t care less about being in control or anything. He is perfectly happy with his life and how he is dresses. This isn’t what is expected of a man today, not in the least. The point of the ad is to sell the viewer not a single commodity but to convince the consumer that wearing their clothing will lead them to a new lifestyle (Fowles 62). The ads instruct them to do whatever it takes to get the glamorous life they want, doing the â€Å"dont’s† and â€Å"making a mess. † However, it also emphasizes the fact that Juicy Couture is â€Å"Doing the dont’s† with their actually clothing line. With outlandish fashion rules they are trying to get audiences to remember fashion doesn’t have rules, and Juicy took that idea to the next level with their own set of rules. Women don’t have to listen to the conventional rules about life or about what they wear. The ad plays on feminine desires to be better looking than everyone else, to be different and in control.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Update Your Resume This September with My Resume Tips

Update Your Resume This September with My Resume Tips September is Update Your Resume Month! Read to the End to Get 10% Off a Resume Service! What if you received an unexpected sudden opportunity and needed to update your resume for a new position? Would you be ready with a fantastic resume now? What if your company needed your resume for their own uses? Would you be proud of what you could hand to them? If the answer to either of the above questions is no, you’re in luck. It’s September, and that means it’s International Update Your Resume Month! Updating your resume at least once a year is a really smart idea, regardless of your career situation. You will ensure that you’re tracking and documenting your most recent accomplishments, and that you’re not caught empty-handed- or paying rush fees unnecessarily because you did not prepare for unanticipated resume requests. Tips to Update Your Resume Right Now Here are my top 10 recommendations to avoid the panic of a last-minute scramble to update your resume: Double-check your contact information. Are your address and phone number accurate and updated? Is your LinkedIn Profile URL customized and included on your resume? Rewrite your Summary statement. Make sure it reflects your most current capabilities and achievements. Use specifics about yourself rather than overinflated â€Å"resume speak.† Add any skills / core competencies that you have added to your tool kit. List any updates to your education, courses completed, conferences attended, certifications or licenses obtained, awards won, publications published, etc. If you have a new position, add an end date to your previous one. You’d be surprised how many people forget to change â€Å"present† to an end date! Add your most current position to your resume if it’s not there. Include a result or impact in every bullet if at all possible. How have you made or saved your company money? How have you improved systems or processes? Include numbers like dollar amounts and percentages! Delete any redundant or irrelevant information. Don’t be attached to your past achievements if they’re not important for where you’re headed. Check your formatting carefully for consistency. Is every bullet formatted the same way? Print your resume to make sure it looks good on paper. Don’t risk being judged as sloppy, and don’t make your readers have to squint! Create a version of your resume that meets ATS requirements (Applicant Tracking Systems). If you’re not familiar with how to do this, read Tip #43 in How to Write a WINNING Resume. Tools to Update Your Resume For more detail on how to accomplish these 10 resume update recommendations, read my e-books How to Write a WINNING Resume or How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume. You can receive a free excerpt of both How to Write a WINNING Resume and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume by signing up for any of The Essay Expert’s e-lists. Subscribe here and receive free excerpts of both books! Special offer!! If you want to update your resume in September, go through steps 1-9 above and send us your current resume with a list of your accomplishments on or before September 22nd. Please also include a statement that you have completed steps 1-9 and are ready for an update.  We’ll offer you 10% off any resume service! You can also get help from our DIY Resume Questionnaires. What are you waiting for? Update your resume now!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Iphone and Android Essay

Iphone and Android Essay Iphone and Android Essay Evaluative essay You wake up late one morning, and have to rush to get ready for work. In the process of getting all of your things together, and hurrying to get to your car, you drop your phone. It hits the ground pretty hard, and causes the screen to shatter into a million little pieces, and is unusable. So now you have to stop by the cellular store after work to buy a new phone, but what phone do you buy? People buy iPhones and Android phones to meet their needs; you cannot say a road bike is better than a mountain bike because they the customers have different needs. When you're looking for a new smartphone, choosing an iPhone or Android phone isn't a simple task. So it is best to know what features on a phone best suites you and your needs. While both phones offer a lot of great features, they may seem so similar that it's hard to distinguish between them If you are someone that is on the phone a lot, wither that be texting, making phone calls, or just spending hours creeping on old friends facebook pages, you need a long battery lifetime for your phone. Because of the variety of hardware used in the Android phones, Android’s battery life is more varied. While early iPhones had batteries that required a charge every day. But with recent iPhone models, it’s easy to go days at a time without needing a charge. Both phones offer ultra-high capacity batteries. So if you don't mind a little extra bulk, there battery life will last much longer. If you are looking for the biggest screens for smartphones, Android is your choice, but only by a little. It used to be the smaller the better but in recent years, there has been a trend towards super-sized smartphone screens. A new word has been coined, phablet, to describe a hybrid phone and tablet device. Android was the first phablets and continues to offer the most and biggest options. With the debut of the iPhone 6 Plus, Apple has entered with phablet game with a 5.5-inch screen. There are valid questions about if devices this big make for good phones, but they're certainly popular. So, if it is size you are after, Android's the choice, but not by much. Apple’s App Store is the place to be if you want the latest updates on the best apps. Android often plays second fiddle to iOS releases, and sometimes never gets its own version of top-selling iOS apps because of fragmentation. The iPhone has rapidly become a major player in the mobile app video game market, with tens of thousands of great games. The growth of the iPhone as a gaming platform has led some observers to say that Apple is well on its way to overpowering Nintendo and Sony as the leading mobile game platform. The general expectation that Android apps should be free has led game developers interested in making money to develop for iPhone first and Android second. In fact, due to various problems with developing for Android, some game companies have stopped creating games for it all together. So for app savy, or game players iPhones are for you. When you buy an iPhone from the Apple Store it’s the exact same Phone that you would get if you bought it at a cellular store or even at Wal-Mart. But the same Android phone may have a different user experience depending on where you buy

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Reflexive Spanish Verbs That Change Meaning

Reflexive Spanish Verbs That Change Meaning Often, the difference in meaning between a simple verb and its corresponding reflexive verb (formed in the infinitive form by adding the suffix  -se) is slight, even nonexistent. For example, the verb desayunar typically means to eat breakfast, while desayunarse has little, if any, discernible difference in meaning. Sometimes, however, the difference in meaning is substantial - enough so that it is listed separately in the dictionary, and sometimes so that its meaning isnt readily predictable if you know the meaning of the root verb. Following are among the verbs with significantly different meanings in the reflexive form. This list is far from complete, and only the most common English translations are included here. Note also that usage of these verbs can vary with region, and that some speakers may use some verbs in the reflexive form as a way to change emphasis rather than to make a clear change in meaning: acusar (to accuse), acusarse (to confess or admit): Acusaron a Mà ³nica de arreglar los resultados. (They accused Monica of cleaning up the results.)  Me acuso de ser drogadicto.  (I admit to being a drug addict. aparecer (to appear), aparecerse (to appear, often said of a supernatural event): El hombre ms buscado aparecià ³ en la fotografà ­a. (The most-wanted man appeared in the photograph.)  Muchos creen que se aparecià ³ la virgen Marà ­a en Mà ©xico.  (Many believe the Virgin Mary appeared in Mexico.) cambiar (to change), cambiarse (to switch to a different item, such as changing clothes or moving to a different house): Hay tres libros que cambiaron mi vida. (There are three books that changed my life.)  Nos cambiamos de compaà ±Ãƒ ­a telefà ³nica.  (Were switching to a different telephone company.) desenvolver (to unwrap), desenvolverse (to cope or manage):  Ya desenvolvà ­ tu regalo. (Ive already unwrapped your gift.) Mi madre se desenvuelve bien con los turistas. (My mother copes well with the tourists.) dormir (to sleep), dormirse (to fall asleep): Dormà ­a en el interior de un auto de un amigo. (He would sleep in a friends car.)  Se durmià ³ una noche escuchando la radio.  (He fell asleep one night listening to the radio.) gastar (to spend), gastarse (to wear out, to use up): Gastà ³ todo el dinero en sus tarjetas de dà ©bito. (He spent all the money on his debit cards.)   Las suelas de los zapatos se gastaron. (The soles of the shoes wore out.) ir (to go), irse (to go away): Fue a la crcel por lavar dà ³lares. (He went to jail for laundering dollars.)  Mi nià ±a se fue a la mar a contar olas.  (My girl went away to the sea to count the waves.) llevar (to carry), llevarse (to take):  ¿Quà © llevaba la doctor Blanco en la bolsa? (What is Dr. Blanco carrying in her purse?)  El ladrà ³n se llevà ³ dos obras de Picasso. (The thief took two works of Picasso.) ocurrir (to occur or happen), ocurrirse (to have a sudden idea): Nos ocurre exactamente lo mismo que explica Sandra.  (The same thing happens to us that Sandra talks about.)  Una idea se me ocurrià ³ mientras estudiaba biologà ­a.  (An idea occurred to me while I was studying biology.) parecer (to seem like), parecerse (to look physically like): La situacià ³n de Bolivia no es lo que parece. (The situation in Bolivia isnt what it seems like.)  El desierto de Arizona se parece mucho al de Zacatecas.  (The Arizona desert looks a lot like Zacatecas.) poner (to put), ponerse (to put on, such as clothing): Lo analizar y lo pondr en la categorà ­a correcta. (He will analyze it and put it in the correct category.)  No me pondrà © nunca una gorra de bà ©isbol.  (I will never put on a baseball cap.) salir (to leave), salirse (to leave unexpectedly or quickly, to leak): Ernesto salià ³ por los cayos al norte de Cuba. (Ernesto left by way of the keys to the north of Cuba.)  Un avià ³n con 62 ocupantes se salià ³ de la pista del aeropuerto.  (A plane with 62 on board unexpectedly left the runway.) saltar (to jump), saltarse (to jump over, to skip an event or avoid an obligation): Las focas, los delfines, y las ballenas saltan frecuentemente. (Seals, dolphins and whales often jump.)  Ms chinos se saltan la ley del hijo à ºnico.  (More Chinese are ignoring the one-child law.) volver (to return), volverse (to turn around, to make an unexpected return): Los secuestrados volvieron a casa.  (The hostages returned home.)  Las abejas asesinas de Sudamà ©rica se volvieron ms fuertes.  (The South American killer bees returned stronger.)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Films Of The Mid-Seventies Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Films Of The Mid-Seventies Era - Essay Example In the film, the character of Bobby Dupea is the archetype of numerous heroes from that period. Bobby is stuck in two worlds. He is a man who cannot fit into the American society and is making efforts to find a place which he truly belongs to. One of the outstanding features of the 1970s films was the character’s struggle to deal with the problem of alienation that was prevalent in America at that time. This emerged from the sixties when there was the rejection of both the working class and leisure class values. The film portrays how an individual is trying so hard to deal with the alienation problem without being a counter-culture hippie. The post-sixties era mostly exhibited the theme of alienation - a theme that defined the mid-seventies era. However, the films of the 1990s and 1980s era extremely reflected the alienation theme with the so bloody and violent action genre. The heroes in these movies are violent, anti-social and alienated. They generally have no societal respect. The first scenes of â€Å"Five Easy Pieces† show the main character Bobby as a typical oil mine worker. Bobby puts a lot of energy in his work to get his money. He spends his leisure time drinking beer, playing cards, watching television and bowling. He stays with his girlfriend, a beautiful waitress named Rayette Dipesto. At the beginning of the film, Bobby is reflected as a happy person, but further progress of the movie reveals a man dissatisfied with his life. Rayette clingy mature annoys Bobby so much. He loathes country music and dislikes the way his girlfriend lives her life through Tammy Wynette songs. Rayette seems to play songs for every occasion of her life. When they go out with their friends Stoney and Elton, Bobby could not enjoy the bowling. He is angry and highly competitive at Rayette’s inexperience in the game. At some point, he later cheats on his girlfriend with a woman named Sally Struthers.

Friday, October 18, 2019

For Rousseau, man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. Do you Essay

For Rousseau, man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. Do you agree with this assessment Discuss with reference to - Essay Example The first man who accustomed himself as an owner of a land had first brought the idea of tyranny and oppression in society. Prior to the idea, that society had succumbed to ownership; there have been less crime and hardship, and sorrow was out of sight. However, when man succeeded in the act of ownership with it began the invisible chain attached to every human being born. Furthermore, man emerged when he was first to think of himself, provide for his own needs, and was ignorant of his ability to own properties and be above with others. Nonetheless, the time came that he felt the difficulty to do things all by himself and do against the natural circumstances. The differing tides of the time, the changes of the environmental conditions, and other natural and unexpected circumstances had brought man to a point where he considered these as no longer natural. It became a significant source of hardship for him. In order to survive the hindrances, man needed to learn to be above other spec ies. He needed to eat; therefore, he hunted down other species, which had brought him to think that he is above them. This superiority brought man to boast and take pride of himself. As a result, the solitary man had evolved into seeing his likeness to other human beings. His ability to incorporate himself with others and his ability to be part of the lives of others came to being naturally, and at first, language was not needed in order to interact. Jean Jacques Rousseau added that, in line with man’s ability to interact and be above other species, he was able to evolve into a person who has learned the usage of tools. These primitive tools brought man to build huts. In these huts were families, considered as the smallest part of a society, which begun to hold property on where their huts stood. The families, which composed of a man and a woman, lived under one roof and were able to bear children. After the establishment of the first society, man became more convenient on hi s way of living. However, his needs accumulated and losing these needs and not sufficiently having these needs made him unhappy. Moreover, language emerged during the time when man experienced natural catastrophes. This had caused man to be able to communicate in order to combat and surpass these instances. Furthermore, in the emergence of language, man became more civilized and eventually formed nations. Along with this, the love within families heightened in the light of ideas and preferences of the nations. Negative ideologies also came about which also brought walls between the differences of the different group of people. People were grouped in accordance to the songs they were singing and to the steps they were dancing. A wall between people was established by identifying one as different from the others. This then caused inequality, and vices became real in the realm of societies. This had brought man to believe that, by nature, he is unjust, disrespectful and that politics m ust emerge to be able to maintain peace and order. However, this has been wrongly inferred because man, at its natural state is gentle. Moreover, the earliest society depicted happiness among its people; however, progress eventually brought inequality. Freedom was felt by every individual; however, the inevitable chains of slavery and captivity were brought to existence

Citizens and globalization Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Citizens and globalization - Term Paper Example Globalization can also be said to be as the intensification of the worldwide social activities which has been linked to economic and social activities of the economies (MacGillivray, 2006). The goal of globalization is to provide business world an utmost competitive advantage while having low operating cost to gain worldwide consumers, goods and services. Globalisation uses the diversification phenomenon for the use of resources. It is a strategy that provides a long range of products and services. It enables businesses to compete worldwide by diversification because it includes risk reduction in international trade. It promotes economic growth and performance for a nation. Looking at these factors it can be said that the people around the world do not resist globalisation. It is not a new factor even it has an economic roots i.e. international trade, finance, migration and ideology. The people as the members of the society as the consumers should behave positively with respect to globalization as this gives them the advantage to have a varity of goods and services from around the world (Ilmberger & Robinson, 2002). Globalization also involves innovation due to the commercialization of national technology across international boundaries that is high tech products (includes all electronic, electrical products etc.), all this helps consumers to have better goods and services and take the advantage of technology which is not available locally. Globalisation boosts international travel and tourism indirectly due to the international business. Immigration between countries, formation of free trade zones, growth of cross cultural contacts, enhancement in worldwide culture etc. is increasing due to the globalisation. This is leading to the improvement in the cultural and business practices of the nations and developing people and their business. As the consumer the people are getting advantage of getting different products and services which they have

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Macro Econ Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Macro Econ - Assignment Example For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Proponents of the benefits of free markets argue that markets create â€Å"efficiency† in the distribution of goods and services. A great example of the increased efficiency in distribution by increasing the scope of market mechanisms is the impact of internet markets in used goods, such as Ebay and Craigslist. Items that might have once only been able to be resold for rock-bottom prices at garage, garden and stoop sales are now valued in a more universal fashion as they find a wider potential market on the web. Items which might be of interest to only a very few people can be much more easily located by these select few customers. In both cases, the consolidation of many small markets into a single large one increases the efficiency of valuation and distribution. On the other hand, the stock market has provided of the pitfalls of market mechanisms, which has fuelled criticism o f markets. The ongoing economic recession was launched when market speculation in real estate caused inflation of home prices and created incentives at every level of the market, from real estate agents, to mortgage brokers to stock sales to sell and buy at prices far beyond the value of the properties or homeowners ability to pay.

Energy drinks, possible benefits and health risks Essay

Energy drinks, possible benefits and health risks - Essay Example EDs are also purported to enhance alertness and performance .In addition, the paper will also examine the various risks associated with ED which include undesirable effects of caffeine, dangers of mixing EDs with alcoholic beverages, addiction to the drink as well as weight gain which may result in obesity and other cardiovascular ailments. Nevertheless, consumption of energy drinks continues to rise and several people fall prey to the advertising of these drinks. There is therefore need for more research as well as practical steps to protect public health, especially vulnerable individuals such adolescents and pregnant women. Energy drinks(ED) can be described as beverages that are typified by the addition of different energy-enhancing elements and are claimed to enhance concentration, athletic performance, reaction time as well as basal metabolism (Burrows, et al, 2013).Energy drinks therefore contain modest to comparatively high concentrations and levels of caffeine, as compared with other beverages that contain caffeine such as cola. Energy drink’s popularity has increased exponentially, recording a 240 percent rise in sales from 2004-2009(Reissig, et al, 2009). Thus, within the quickly growing beverage sector, there is dominance by Red Bull which commands 42% of the market share in the US. Red Bull in 2011 sold over 4 billion units in more than 160 states globally. Reports indicate that males aged18-34 years are the greatest consumers of EDs though increased consumption has also been reported amongst younger children as well. In addition, 31% of children aged between12-17 years and 34 percent of young adults aged between 18-24 years reported regular consumption of the energy drinks; with approximately 57 percent of college students claiming frequent use of energy drinks. Energy drink’s regulation comprising their health warnings and content varies

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Macro Econ Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Macro Econ - Assignment Example For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Proponents of the benefits of free markets argue that markets create â€Å"efficiency† in the distribution of goods and services. A great example of the increased efficiency in distribution by increasing the scope of market mechanisms is the impact of internet markets in used goods, such as Ebay and Craigslist. Items that might have once only been able to be resold for rock-bottom prices at garage, garden and stoop sales are now valued in a more universal fashion as they find a wider potential market on the web. Items which might be of interest to only a very few people can be much more easily located by these select few customers. In both cases, the consolidation of many small markets into a single large one increases the efficiency of valuation and distribution. On the other hand, the stock market has provided of the pitfalls of market mechanisms, which has fuelled criticism o f markets. The ongoing economic recession was launched when market speculation in real estate caused inflation of home prices and created incentives at every level of the market, from real estate agents, to mortgage brokers to stock sales to sell and buy at prices far beyond the value of the properties or homeowners ability to pay.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Close reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Close reading - Essay Example Matusky and Sooi (2004) studied the Malaysian dance and commented that the Malaysian musical traditions were always accompanied with dance or dance drama that did not have any dialogue as its essence was to engage the audience to the set act so that they could derive a meaning out of the performance. This acted as an act that included the attributes of the classical or folk music2. As a result, the dance incorporated the use of the body more so the hands and the feet. Thus through their traditional Malay music, the Malay dancer(s) introduced the use of hands as they swayed their hands from side to side or up and down as a form to express emotion and attachment to the song. Malay classical dance history and characteristics The early Malay dances incorporated various dance forms such as mak yong, mek mulung and manohra and these were practiced often in the courts thus their origination. The mak yong comprised of a much dramatized dance act that depicted the stories of the princes and p rincesses. The women who acted as princesses wore royal costumes while the men wore the same costumes and an additional male clown. Their dance was also accompanied by drums, gongs and a serunai. The dance is also related to Puteri, which is an ancient ritual that was believed, that when it was performed by the dancers, it was prone to release supernatural powers and as a result, the kings did not follow much on that, rather they adopted the dance that was related to theatrical performances. This dance involved the simple act of a female and a male at the courts. Manohra also shares some aspects with mak yong such as the dance that consists of the female and the male and it also incorporates more of dance rather than the story that is behind to the dance set being performed. Manohra also served as a traditional and respected ritual and it was also believed to have the aspect of super natural powers. When the dance was performed, it was always accompanied with the serunai, two gedung , two gedumbak, kesi, bamboo or wood clappers and gongs. As of today, there exists only two active manohra groups’ in Malaysia and tey happen to occupy the parts of Kelantan. Mek mulung on the other hand involved a dance drama that depicted a local legend that had happened in the community. As a result this dance also had the same aspects in meaning and body gesture when compared to mak yong and manohra. When the dance was performed, it was always accompanied with the use of the serembong, gong, serunai and ceruk. The oldest surviving Malaysian performance traditions can be dated back to the peoples of the Orang Asli communities of Peninsular Malaysia who are very scarce in numbers in the region. Some of the community sub groups include the Negrito communities that include the Bateq, Jahai, Kensui, Kintak, Lanoh and Mendriq peoples and they are located in the Kelantan, Pahang, Perak and Terengganu regions. The Senoi include the Che Wong, Jahut, Mahmeri, Semai, Semoq Beri and Temiar peoples who are located in Kelantan, Pahang, Perak and Selangor, and the Proto-Malay peoples incorporate the Jakun, Orang Kanaq, Orang Laut, Orang Seletar, Semelai and Temuan) majoritively in Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang. The Orang Asli performances involved the incorporation of music, song and dance and they were preformed mainly at social events

Lists of input and output information and sources Essay Example for Free

Lists of input and output information and sources Essay Prior to outlining the input and output information, the system development life cycle must be in place so that the analysis is done accordingly. The correct nature of the inputs and the outputs would make the system design vary accordingly as it requires to capture the information and put it into a frame to interpret in a decisive manner to take further decisions. The systems development life cycle for Bead Bar is as follows: 1. Feasibility analysis: The new proposed system and the present working system are analyzed so that the ROI (Return On Investment) is obtained. The proposed system is further analyzed for economical, technical, schedule and other feasibilities so that it stands in front of all difficulties in the development of the project. The Bead bar enterprise’s key management people are involved in the process of feasibility analysis. All the inputs, outputs and external environment are studied in detail so that the underlying intricacies would be researched well for their impact and development. Inputs: Bead Bar’s inputs are in the form of company’s short and long term objectives, its financial base and credibility for years to come, its general strategic plans, consent of the advisors and directors, risk handling strategies and many others. Outputs: The feasibility has outputs in the form of higher management approval for the sustenance of the systems development, its full length use to cover all business functions, risk mitigation strategies and many others. 2. Systems planning and requirements gathering: After the system is thoroughly checked for all its inputs and outputs, the requirements phase takes the lead. All the key stakeholders of the departments and the users of the system must be taken into account for gathering the crucial departmental functions, requirements and its interaction with other departments to achieve the central goal of the enterprise. Input: It must be in the form of the users of the system who are better-off to understand and figure out the exact ground level happenings in the business. Their view of the workings of the enterprise must be captured so that appropriate implementation can be done. Output: The valuable information fetched from the users of the system must be given a representation and frame it accordingly to fix it into a system. 3. Systems Analysis and Design: Bead Bar’s system requirements are studied and the system is analyzed and designed accordingly. The flow of data is analyzed so that the system captures the entire business cycle and their functions. Inputs: It would come from the requirements gathering phase and the order of business flow. Outputs: It would result in helping the analysts and designers in the process of database handling and further development of the system. 4. Database Model: The database model for Bead Bar is as follows, which shows the interaction of the different entities of the business. Figure 1 : Database Model 5. Coding: The above design is given a representation of the business and the various functions are finally implemented at this stage. Inputs: It is in the form of requirements gathered from the previous stages and the design documents. Outputs: It results in actual implementation of the system so that it can be viewed physically. 6. Implementation and Training: This stage correlates with actual planting of the system at the Bead Bar so that the present system is replaced and the proposed system takes its place. The users must be trained to operate the business functions with the system, store and retrieve data whenever it is demanded. 7. System feedback and maintenance: The general working of the system must be responded back so that any form of negative points would be highlighted and discussed to take advantage of the system and technologies involved. 8. Systems Review and Maintenance schedule: The review and maintenance schedule must include the following: Preventative maintenance – Maintenance schedules are a necessity for keeping the resources of a system in good health. The hardware, network equipments, communication programs and software must be periodically checked whether it is up and running (Mawer, 2000).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Negative Schizotypy Reflect A Continuously Deficit Psychology Essay

Negative Schizotypy Reflect A Continuously Deficit Psychology Essay The DSM-IV: APA, diagnosiss schizophrenia based on reoccurring symptoms, including hallucinations delusions, disorganised speech, disorganised or catatonic behaviour and negative. One reason for cognitive impairments observed in schizophrenia is the processing of context. Cohen (1999) states context processing is used in general to mean the functioning of mental effort or cognitive control. It is referred to actively holding information to be used to mediate task appropriate behaviour. Buchanan et al (1994) states negative symptoms of schizophrenia are connected with deficits involving executive functioning memory. Further evidence from Dibben, et al (2009) explains executive dysfunction shows difficulty in maintaining contextual information, therefore may be an endophenotype of the schizophrenia spectrum of disorders. Research has found there are certain negative schizotypy traits, associated with schizophrenia. Lenzenweger (2010) defines schizoptypy as an underlying personality construct rather than a set of explicit behaviours, which may indicate a concealed risk of future schizophrenia. Schizotypy traits which parallel symptoms of schizophrenia vary from low to pathological, suggesting schizophrenia as a spectrum disorder. Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD) presents as similar symptoms to schizophrenia but are explained as a border line state in DSM-III (APA, 1980) SPD not severe enough to meet the criteria to be diagnosed as schizophrenic. Therefore signifying schizophrenia corresponds to the severe end of the spectrum. Additional support from OFlynn et al (2007) shows individuals with high schizotypy scores are cognitively linked to schizophrenia as part of a schizophrenia spectrum. Furthermore Diforio (2000) found SPD patients exhibit cognitive impairment in numerous areas, such as execu tive functioning, dual task information processing and working memory. These are similar to those seen in schizophrenia, although less severe. Studies by Barch (2004) also found individuals expressing schizotypal characteristics express deficits in attention and working memory. Studying individuals with schizotypy traits or SPD can help towards understanding systems and psychological processes contributing to schizophrenia, without confounding factors such as medication effects intervening, which is problematic when researching schizophrenia. The O-LIFE was developed to focus on traits rather than symptoms. It measures four sub-scales associated with schizotypal traits, all have been recognized to have high internal consistency. These are unusual experiences = 0.89, cognitive disorganisation = 0.87, introvertive anhedonia = 0.82 and impulse nonconformity = 0.77. (Mason et al 1995) Evidence from Burch et al (1998) found O-LIFEs test-retest reliability to be very high. However this investigation just measures introvertive anhedonia commonly referred to as a negative schizotypy trait. Meehl (1962) states Anhedonia is the reduced ability to experience social and physical sources of pleasure, as well as avoidance of intimacy, it is an important characteristic of negative symptoms describing it as one of the most consistent and dramatic behavioural signs of the disease. Additionally high social anhedonia as suggested by Blanchard et al (2000) may indicate schizotypy, relating it to a taxon amongst an undergraduate population. A study by Kwapil (1998) suggests higher scores of social anhedonia have been correlated to a greater probability of being diagnosed with future schizophrenia. This investigates uses the O-LIFE questionnaire to measure scores on the introvertive anhedonia subscale and to observe if higher scorers have difficulty with contextual processing. Haddon et al (2011) claim biconditional discrimination in the form of a contextual processing task may be used to measure the way in which task-setting cues control performance. Participants are required to learn relationships by trial-and-error between random pairs of stimuli and feedback responses. Cohen Servan-Schreiber (1992) propose task-setting cues are essential in resolving conflict which opposing stimulus-response pathways create. A study by Mason et al (1995) examined performance of participants with high and low schizotypy scores, using biconditional discrimination and a control discrimination which did not use task-setting cues. Findings showed those who scored highly on the introvertive anhedonia subscale performed weakly on the biconditional. Therefore Liddle (1987) suggests deficits in bic onditional discrimination are directly related to the introvertive anhedonia schizotypy subscale. Furthermore Burch et al (1998) states high schizotypy scores are related to impairments on cognitive tasks, similar to those with schizophrenia. Looking at previous research this investigation aims to replicate (using a related discrimination procedure) and generalise findings of Haddon et al (2011), also to contribute to developing projects on schizotypy which looks to understand effects of core cognitive deficits on severe mental illness. The investigation hypothesises the high schizotypy group will find completion of biconditional discrimination more difficult than lower groups. Method Design An experimental design was used in this study. The independent variables were the schizotypy groups 1, 2, 3 and 4. The dependent variable was the biconditional discrimination score. Participants 92 undergraduates (75 females and 17 males) participated in return for course credit and were undiagnosed as schizophrenic or taking psychotropic medication. Materials Materials included the O-life (The Oxford and Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences) questionnaire and a contextual processing task. (O-LIFE; Mason 1995) This was chosen as it is a reliable and valid measure that was specifically designed for use with sub-clinical populations. A desktop computer running windows and visual basic was used for displaying the stimuli and recording the participants responses. The contextual processing task programme was designed specifically for the investigation. Procedure Participants were tested individually in a quiet environment. The 160-item O-LIFE questionnaire used for measuring schizotypal characteristics within the normal population was shown on a projector screen and participants had to circle yes or no to the corresponding question on an answer sheet. Participants were allocated to schizotypy groups of 20 based on their introvertive anhedonia score relative to the distribution of this trait in participants of similar age and gender. They carried out a contextual processes task which tested biconditional discrimination. Participants assumed the role of a stockbroker and advised clients on stock profitability. In total of 80 training trials presented the participant with pairs of hypothetical stocks including chemicals and paper or metal and wood. Participants then discriminated on a 9 point scale which pairs of stocks would result in profit (positive outcome) and which would result in losses (negative outcome). Participants were instructed to provide a confidence rating of 1 if certain there would be a loss a rating of 5 if uncertain and a rating of 9 if certain of a profit, feedback was provided on the outcome. All four types of trial (AX, BX, AY, BY) (see fig 2) were presented randomly once within each cycle, 20 trials of each compound in total. Biconditional training AX+ AY- BY+ BX- Fig 2 Table of contingences. Completing the task involves attending to both cues consecutively to predict important events. When processing one cue (X) participants have to consider the context in which it is displayed (A or B). Data Analysis As there were multiple levels of the independent variable a one way between ANOVA was used to test for a difference. This analysis decreases chance of a type 1 error. The dependent variable biconditional discrimination was measured by taking the average difference between profit (AX BY) and loss (AY BX) trials in the final 40 trials of learning. Analysis was carried out this way because as Haddon et al (2011) show the effects between the groups emerge as learning progresses. A single score ranging from -8 and +8 was therefore produced reflecting each participants contextual learning ability. The higher the participants score the more context learning ability they have. As ANOVA only states whether there is an overall significant effect Bonferroni post hoc tests were carried out to find which means were significantly different from each other. Results Levenes test of homogeneity of variance is used to report whether variance is significantly different between groups. We cannot use the ANOVA model if there is a significant difference, although for this study Levenes test of homogeneity of variance was non-significant, (p>0.05) therefore ANOVA data can be interpreted. One way between ANOVA shows an overall significant difference between introvertive anhedonia score and contextual processing. (F (3, 88) = 6.019, p Pairwise comparisons using post hoc test bonferroni showed scores for group 1 were significantly higher than those in group 4 (p0.05). As figure 1 shows a linear association was found. (See figure 1). Figure 1. Mean discrimination score by group (s.e shown as error bars) Discussion The aim of this investigation was to further examine and replicate the findings of Haddon (2011). Findings have provided evidence consistent with this aim and hypothesis that high schizotypy groups have difficulty completing biconditional discrimination compared to lower groups. Specifically participants with higher introvertive anhedonia scores (group 4) displayed more impaired biconditional performance compared with those with low scores (group 1). The connection found between high Introvertive Anhedonia scores and impaired biconditional performance is consistent with Liddles (1987) research linking cognitive dysfunction to negative symptoms of schizophrenia and schizotypy characteristics. However it is essential to note anhedonia is not an exclusive feature of schizophrenia, having also been found in bipolar disorder. These results not only give further support to Haddon et als (2011) findings but also maintains the theory from Cohen and Servan-Schreiber (1992) that high schizotypy individuals, should be impaired on biconditional discrimination tasks since contextual information is essential for resolving conflict between opposing stimulus-response. Futhermore the statistical test ANOVA only shows there is a difference between groups scores, not stating exact cause and effect. Variation within groups could be due to individual differences or other factors that were not controlled (tiredness or mood) could affect concentration. Participants could have found the task uninteresting therefore not engaging fully; also participants different approaches to answering biconditional discrimination task can have an impact upon results. The O-LIFE questionnaire has good test-retest reliability and is useful in studying a nonclinical population. Although O-LIFE is not a diagnostic test for risk of mental illness, testing only personality traits. However there are limitations in the investigation, the sample had a clear gender bias with a larger female to male ratio. Another drawback being a young age bias as it used undergraduate students, although sampling from younger age groups produces groups with comparable distributions of introvertive anhedonia scores. Further research is needed to determine the significance of these results and their implications for the relationship between negative schizotypy traits and context processing. Researchers looking for objective indicators for causes of decline into schizophrenia could use further research using these results. Additionally larger understanding of negative symptoms could motivate research into producing therapies effective for negative symptoms. References Association, A. P. (1980). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (thrid ed.). Washington: Author. Association, A. P. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (fourth ed.). Washington: Author. Barch, D. M., Mitropoulou, V., Harvey, P. D., New, A. S., Silverman, J. M., Siever, L. J. (2004). Context-processing deficits in schizotypal personality disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 113, 556-568. Blanchard, J. J., Gangestad, S. W., Brown, S. A., Horan, W. P. (2000). Hedonic capacity and schizotypy revisited: A taxometric analysis of social anhedonia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 109(1), 87-95. Buchanan, R. W., Strauss, M. E., Kirkpatrick, B., Holstein, C., Breier, A., Carpenter, W.T. (1994). Neuropsychological Impairments in Deficit Vs Nondeficit Forms of Schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 51(10), 804-811. Burch, G. S. J., Steel, C., Hemsley, D. R. (1998). Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences: Reliability in an experimental population. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 37, 107-108. Cohen, J. D., Barch, D. M., Carter, C., Servan-Schreiber, D. (1999). Context-processing deficits in schizophrenia: Converging evidence from three theoretically motivated cognitive tasks. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 108(1), 120-133. Cohen, J. D., Servan-Schreiber, D. (1992). Context, Cortex, and Dopamine a Connectionist Approach to Behavior and Biology in Schizophrenia. Psychological Review, 99(1), 45-77. Dibben, C. R. M., Rice, C., Laws, K., McKenna, P. J. (2009). Is executive impairment associated with schizophrenic syndromes? A meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 39(3), 381-392. Diforio, D., Walker, E. F., Kestler, L. P. (2000). Executive functions in adolescents with schizotypal personality disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 42(2), 125-134. Haddon, J. E., George, D. N., Grayson, L., McGowan, C., Honey, R. C., Killcross, S. (2011). Impaired conditional task performance in a high schizotypy population: Relation to cognitive deficits. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(1), 1-9. Kwapil, T. R. (1998). Social anhedonia as a predictor of the development of schizophreniaspectrum disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 107(4), 558-565. Lenzenweger, M. F. (2010). Schizotypy and schizophrenia: The view from experimental psychopathology. New York: Guilford Press. Liddle, P. F. (1987). The Symptoms of Chronic-Schizophrenia a Reexamination of the Positive-Negative Dichotomy. British Journal of Psychiatry, 151, 145-151. Mason, O., Claridge, G., Jackson, M. (1995). New scale for the assessment of schizotypy, Personality and Individual Differences 18(1), 7-13. Meehl, P. E. (1962). Schizotaxia, schizotypy, schizophrenia. American Psychologist, 17, 827-838. OFlynn, K., Gruzelier, J., Bergman, A. and Siever, L.J. (2007) The Schizophrenia Spectrum Personality Disorders, in Schizophrenia, Second Edition (eds S. R. Hirsch and D. R. Weinberger), Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, UK.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Analysis of Robert Frosts Fire and Ice Essay examples -- Frost Fire a

Analysis of Robert Frost's Fire and Ice      Ã‚  Ã‚   For Robert Frost, poetry and life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   were one and the same.   In an interview he said, 'One thing I care about,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   and wish young people could care about, is taking poetry as the first form   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of understanding.'   Each Robert Frost poem strikes a chord somewhere, each   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   poem bringing us closer to life with the compression of feeling and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   emotion into so few words.   This essay will focus on one particular poem,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the meaning of which has been much debated due to the quantity of words   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   used, or the lack there-of.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There have been many readers of Frost's poem "Fire and Ice", thus   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   being interpreted in many ways. Many readers would interpret the poem to   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   mean something about 'the physical end of the world, or the end of the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   physical world' (1).   Lawrence Thompson views the poem as hinting at the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   destructive powers in "the heat of love or passion and the cold of hate,"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   sensing that "these two extremes are made so to encompass life as to be a   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   gathering up of all that may exist between them; all that may be swept   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   away by them" (2).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Upon closer examination of "Fire and Ice", I found a distinct   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   parallel that closely mirrors the tale of Dante's Inferno. The Inferno is   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the first part of Dante Alighieri's poem, the Divine Comedy, which   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   chronicles Dante's journey to God, and is made up of The Inferno (Hell),   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise).   In The Inferno, Dante   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   begins his journey on the surface of the Earth, guided by the Ro... .... Much later, and in what I think is   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   'a veiled tribute to Robert Frost', John Ciardi translates these lines   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   as(2):   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I come to lead you to the other shore,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   into eternal dark, into fire and ice. (3.83-84)      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited:      Ã‚  Ã‚ Online. Netscape Navigator. Feb. 4, 2001.    Thompson, Lawrance. Fire and Ice: The Art and Thought of Robert Frost. New York: Henry Holt, 1942.    Dante Alighieri. The Inferno. Trans John Ciardi. New York: Mentor, 1954.    Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Vols. 9-11. Trans. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Online. Netscape Navigator. Feb. 5, 2001.   

Friday, October 11, 2019

Apple’s Competitive Advantage Clearly Lies

Apple’s competitive advantage clearly lies in its organizational culture. However the leadership for maintaining the specific cultural orientation comes from Steve Job’s vision of the future direction of product development. Without his leadership, the company might not be in a position to develop products that will transform the market.This has been the core competency of the company. By transforming the market dynamics, the company has managed to create a market leadership position. Therefore new product development has been the critical success factor at Apple and the guiding force behind the success of this strategy has been Steve Job’s vision.Once he relinquishes his position, it is not clear whether Apple would be able to maintain its competitive advantage. In this respect, the issues of succession planning become relevant. If Apple is to make its competitive advantage sustainable, then it would have to develop the necessary human capital that would maintai n the company’s momentum in new product development.According to Michael Porter’s framework for strategy formulation, a business organization has three strategies at its disposal for developing a competitive advantage: differentiation, cost minimization and quick response.The problem with these strategies is that they cannot lead to the development of a sustainable competitive advantage because they can be easily copied by competitor organizations.However when it comes to the competitive advantage rooted in the organizational culture, then it becomes sustainable because the organizational culture in each company is unique, therefore the best practices in this regard may not be immediately transferable.This unique organizational culture at Apple has been created by Steve Jobs’ vision for the continuous improvement process. Essentially he is implementing the strategy of differentiation through a continuous process of new product development.However it is his leade rship which facilitates the continuous process of managing change which new product development entails. Therefore whether the company would survive Steve Jobs’ departure is a valid question.The general public is clearly of the opinion that Apple will lose its competitive advantage once Jobs no longer provides the creative force. The share prices of the company fluctuate depending on the health condition of the CEO. In order to boost public confidence, the management of the company should clearly develop its internal resources so that dependence on Steve Jobs’ leadership may be slowly diminished.However no matter how much of strategic human resource management the company practices, its glory days may be gone with the departure of Steve Jobs. His vision guided the product development strategies of the company and they were the core competencies of the company.Once this mental connect with the market is no longer there, the company may no longer be in a position to deve lop products that will draw an enthusiastic response from the market. Apple’s competitive advantage is based on reshaping markets and rethinking products to the core. The implementation of both these strategies has been driven by Steve Jobs’ vision.The critical need for Apple at the moment is to conduct a rigorous process of succession planning. The company needs to recruit manpower from external sources in order to maintain the innovative spirit of the company. The most important strategy for the company is to maintain the strategy of differentiation. However the innovative cultural orientation must be maintained.The management should therefore develop human capital accordingly. Employees must be made to see how their work links to the strategic focus of the company, so that they can be involved in the new product development process. In this respect, the importance of creative thinking must be stressed at all times.In this respect, the management has to invest in tra ining and development programs. Once the employees are involved in the decision making process, it will be enriched and as a result, the company will be able to maintain its momentum in continuing to develop revolutionary products.Dess, Gregory G., et al. (2007). Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantage. McGraw Hill/Irwin.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Meaning of Citizenship

The Meaning of Citizenship Essay The Meaning of Citizenship according to the author is what we make it mean. What a bunch of malarkey! The history of how the definition of citizenship has evolved was well done but I kept having this feeling that she was trying to get me to subscribe to some new world order of citizenship. I like the Dictionary definition of citizenship is the state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen. The character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen.She suggested that citizenship was inconsistent from the very beginning of the United States. Yes it was because we were all immigrants from the start. Women were still seen a property to their husband, Africans was slaves, Native American conquered, and a lot of old world racism was in full swing. America was the great experiment by its founding fathers. Never had it been tried to bring all people together a s one country of citizens, well at least what they consider â€Å"as people† at that time.Some may argue that the romans were doing the same thing but they were doing it at sword point then by volunteer. Even though some of the founding father was still behind in their thinking others were not. They build the constitution so that future generations could learn from their father’s mistake and improve America for everyone. I was very surprise that the Supreme Court did not rule that the power of husbands over wives is no longer recognizable in law until 1992. Wow that took 216 years to figure that out.Also that if a woman got married to a noncitizen she would lose her citizenship and be seen as a citizen of her husband country but on the flip side of the coin if the wife married an American husband they became a US citizen until the law change in 1934. Currently the married spouse has the option to either become a permanent residence or naturalization. Naturalization is no easy task either. Under the Path to citizenship on the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services the spouse has to take a naturalization test. Sad part according to US News and World Report Weekly poll done back in April of 2012 1 in 3 Americans would fail this test.Another big issue today is illegal women having children in the United State in order to not to get deported. This loop-hole has become to be known as â€Å"baby anchor†. In a way they gain citizenship though the kids. Many countries have closed this loop-hole and I think it time for America to do so too. I would give amnesty to all kids and parents here now then set a deadline date 10months out that one of the child parents is must be a U. S. Citizen otherwise that child will be consider as the citizen of one of the parent foreign citizenship.The history about race factor on citizenship was pretty much dead on. Of all the nationalities from around the world the people from African have had it the worst. Even till this day I don’t see why people looked down on Africans. African American has had the hardest time integrate in to American society. It was mostly because their immigration was forced to America by slavery. When they won their freedom they were still treated like 2nd class citizens. Even today most of the culture seems torn about where they fit into America society. The Chinese and Japanese were treated just as badly.They were seen as rats or beasts to use till they dropped over dead. If anything they weren’t even seen as human beings. They fought back hard to earn their rights and somehow moved forward as a culture to integrate with American society. Then the author goes into class warfare for three pages. Most of it did not make sense other then she trying to make the argument that social security is some kind social citizenship. Now the way I see it with immigration most moving from one country to another are lower or poor people. When they move into a very wel l off country they can bear the cost of it.America is at a point where immigration is collapsing local government fiances. More people are pulling from the system then put in. The states along the Mexican border are suffering majorly from this due to illegal immigration. Immigration is a good thing for a country but it must be controlled. In Europe many countries are having negative birth rates meaning more people are dying faster than babies are born. In a capitalism economy they build the social program are design to be funded by future population grow who pay into the social program.The problem is that most of their growth now is from immigration that are almost doubling unemployment in European country but benefiting from the host country social programs. (See http://www. migrationpolicy. org/pubs/TCM-integration. pdf) Linda Kerber once again starts to ramble on for another five pages. It covers the Boston Tea Party, Dred Scott decision of 1857, Yick Wo the laundry guy vs. Hopki ns, War Brides Act of World War II, and a few other Supreme Court rulings to support her views, California Proposition 187, the Cold War, Iran-Contra, Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and something about Peter Pan vs.Captain Hooker. Well not that last thing. All of this was a setup to give you a right hook to the head about her post national citizenship idea. And so she opens up with â€Å"Do we need citizenship? † This is where the final punch gets you. She starts to make hidden points to being a one world citizenship because like as she stated from the start citizenship means what we make it mean. This will not work as many cultures that have such polar views of each other.An example would be that Islam faith is so tie into it governing system that is Islamic law which is set by the religion is law via in United State religion is kept separated from government laws. She is right that we are one world family but we live under different homes with different rules and values. To me illegal immigration is like having the uninvited family member visits you. They say they are only going to be visiting for 3 days but end up staying for years. We can’t just join with other people if they don’t believe in the Bill of Rights created by our founders.What would be the point of freedom of the press if you can’t write about something that will offend a person or group? In the end I think most people keep mixing citizenship and culture together. Becoming a citizenship must mean more then I was able to sneak into this land. We must close the loop-holes in immigration to remove some of the arguments on citizenship but not eliminate immigration itself. We have to end this feeling of it means whatever it means to you. It’s a cop out. We must stand firm that this is what it takes to be a citizen of the United States.

“Health Disparities” in Uninsured Americans Essay

According to (Kilbourne, Switzer & Fine, (2006), Health disparities are significant differences that are needed and viewed clinically and statistically in health care and health outcomes. These differences between groups of people can affect how often an illness(disease) have group affects, the number of people who have gotten sick and how many times do this particular disease or problem ends up with death occurring. There are a number of populations that can be affected by health disparities. ( Felton, (2013). Some of these differences are: Ethnic and racial minorities Rural area residents The elderly, children and women People with disabilities. (Medline, (2013). Health disparity can also be defined as differences of populations in health care access, environmental exposures, health status, quality or utilization and outcomes involving your health. Health disparities are related generally to social issues and healthcare systems. The worldwide web coming in existence in the mid – 1990’s also can lead to health disparities since some ethnic groups would not be able to afford the internet. One of the objectives of Healthy People 2010 was to provide more internet services to the home. (Gibbons, (2005). Since this study will be a quantitative study it will focus on the total number of uninsured or underinsured Americans who didn’t have health insurance by the end of 2012. Another focus of this study will be coming up with possible solutions to this growing trend in healthcare. In this study we will also seek to discover how the uninsured or underinsured individuals or families are being effected positively and negatively by gaining feedback from these individuals. There are several ways to obtain this feedback for this study in which we will be conducting surveys and questionnaires to get the answers we need. These ways are: the reasons why they do not have insurance to determine how this may affect their access to care, to determine whether the cost of care is directly affecting the reason why these individuals may not be insured and in this study we need to try to find the problems, come up with solutions and look for ways to get rid of any barriers to persons so that they can find affordable health care policies. Since the Affordable Care Act of 2010 is in effect we need to study how the introduction of a new healthcare law to totally replace the healthcare system that has been in place for years will effect uninsured and underinsured Americans. According to the article by (,(2012). For the surveys we will be conducting our survey samples will be coming from males and females  who are American citizens, all races or ethnic groups, 200 participants will be equally divided by gender. In order to cover a wide variety of people that are being effected by health disparities in quantitative research usually will require a large sample size in order to quantify the research. (Felton, 2013). Background of the Study There are several factors that join together populations to influence someone’s health and health status which results into health disparity. According to the Healthcare Fairness Act of 2000 House Resolution #3250, populations that have health disparities suffer from numbers that are significant as it relates to the total rate of incidence of disease, mortality, survival and morbidity when compared to the population in general. The most contributing factor to health disparities most often mentioned when watched in the United States population is Socioeconomic status (SES). Other factors related to health disparities include: physical and cultural environment, lifestyle, working and living conditions, and community and social networks. Socioeconomic status can be defined as how persons, households, families, and aggregates and census contracts as it relates to the size to consume or create goods that our society values. (Shavers, (2007). The quality of healthcare experienced by our patients may be related to issues of disparity, socio-environmental determinants of health, practice variation, and substandard of care as scientific evidence seemed to show by the late 1990’s. (Gibbons,(2005). Since Disparities in the United States can be caused by rather a mixture that is complex, historic injury intertwined with problems with access along with systematic quality. Health disparities have many sides which include ethnicity, status, geography and race. For policymakers it is critically important to give meaning to the problem in the correct way to make sure any solutions that are goal-related will be able to address the solutions reached. The goal is to provide health security for everyone no matter what your socio-economic characters are. Even though the United States goal is to completely get rid health  disparities there will be efforts to become a part of a broader effort to change health care and by doing so, there must be focus on improving the quality of care delivered to patients individually first and foremost. (Frist, (2005). We can now ask the question, Why the study of health disparity should be pursued and for whom is the study important to? The study of health disparity should be pursued because if nothing else but to determine if the research into health disparity will show any differences in organizational features that are specific. Furthermore the idea that organizational factors may play a significant role in health disparity has brought about more of a deep research on the role of organizational processes that are mutable when you look across the treatment setting. (Kilbourne, Switzer & Fine, (2006), Purpose of the Statement The purpose of this study will be to test the framework that is conceptual that will cover health disparities in 3 phases. Detection Reducing and/or Eliminating Understanding The survey will include 200 male and female divided equally on uninsured Americans adults 18 years and older to gain feedback on why they do not have health insurance. (Felton, 2013). Viable Research Questions and Hypotheses What role if any how access to care directly affected your health status because you don’t have health insurance? How has the cost of healthcare affected you individually, your families  health status because of no health insurance? How do you think your health status would change if you could afford health insurance? Do you think the new health care law will positively or negatively affect your ability to purchase health insurance? What factors do you believe are directly associated with the uninsured status as it relates to health insurance access? (Felton, (2013). Hypotheses Having no health insurance is directly impacting my access to care. Also the cost of care while having no health insurance is directly affecting my general health of me as well as my family. Also, if I had no cost for health insurance or low cost this would positively affect my health status as well as my family. With the Affordable Care Act of 2010 partially enforced, how do you believe this law will be directly associated with your uninsured status when it comes to access to health insurance. (Felton, 2013). Nature of the Study Design The strengths of Experimental Designs research according to the textbook, (Frankfort-Nachmias, & Nachmias, (2008), designs begins with the understanding of the 4 components of research design which are: _comparison(correlation of two variables), manipulation(control over), control, (removal of other factors(, and generalization(different settings, larger populations can be use)._ (Frankfort-Nachmias, & Nachmias, (2008).  The strengths of experimental designs is it will help a researcher understand the logic behind all other research designs, another strength is that an experiment lets the researcher observe and draw inferences that are casual with less difficulty no matter what type of variable is used and it allows researchers to be able to understand other design limitations. (Felton, (2013). According to the author,( Bhattacherjee, (2012). The limitations of Experimental Design research can be in the world of experimentation, the situation in the real world may not always relate, in situations where you have to randomly assign the persons to groups this may be impossible and unethical and another limitation would be getting rid of variables that are extraneous may not even be possible. (Felton, 2013). According to textbook by, (Frankfort-Nachmias, & Nachmias, (2008). When I consider the quantitative research plan I am developing and my research questions, hypotheses, and variables, I would recommend the classic experimental design for research. The reason is my research plan involves, â€Å"Health Disparities,† which is a topic that can touch on several specific groups whether it be based on race, gender, insured, uninsured. In the classic experimental research design as the researcher you do have more control over the intrinsic and extrinsic variables for your research which is an advantage for me. Also in experimental design it allows the researcher to have control to introduce the variable that independent to help determine which direction the causation is being led to. Since Health Disparities will need to cover several areas in order to be effective I feel that experimental research design offers me the best chance of reaching the goal of my research which are three phases: 1. Detection, 2. Understanding of the problem and 3. getting rid of or eliminating health disparities all together. ( Felton, 2013). Since there are so many issues that are affecting â€Å"Health Disparities in our world today, I feel I need to choose a research design plan that offers flexibility to the researchers which allows them to properly research the  issue, look at all sides to the issues to help come up with valid and ethical conclusions. Also, since I want to focus on uninsured Americans, just like me, and a hot topic in our world today, I will need an research design that will aid in my success to properly research this issue fully. iii. Instrumentation and materials According to the authors, (Keppel, Pamuk, Lynch, Carter-Pokras, Kim, Mays, Pearcy, Schoenbach, & Weisman, (2005). S The levels of measurement that will be important for my study in Health Disparities can involve at the nominal level, ordinal level and ratio level. Health disparities can be measured according to six issues that are between populations and groups: 1. a reference point will need to be selected in order to measure disparity. 2. Disparity need to be measured in either relative or absolute terms. 3. Measurements for health disparities need to be in terms of adverse or favorable events. 4. Health disparity needs to be measured in summary fashion or pair-wise. 5. In health disparity you need to choose whether to weigh groups according to the size of the group. 6. In health disparity there needs to be a decision whether to order the groups in a inherent way. (Felton, (2013). According to the textbook, (Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). The nominal level will be important to my study on health disparity because at this level you can measure a different symbol that will represent each symbol. For example: ethnicity, gender, nationality, martial status, religion, and where you live. According to Messer, (2008). The ratio level is also another level of measurement that can be used in my research study on Health disparities  because variables at this level have fixed natural zero points and absolute because these variable can be based on length, time, weight and area. Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). Ratio measurement are the most common level of measurement used in disparity due to the scale of measurement. At the ratio level when measuring disparity it can be used in both as an absolute measure as well as a level of ratio. (Felton, (2013). Validity in research is concerned with whether you are measuring what you really need to or intend to measure for your research. There are three kinds validity in research: content, empirical and construct validity. I will ensure content validity, empirical validity, and construct validity for my study in health disparity in uninsured Americans by first understanding what each of the three types of validity mean: 1. Content validity is when your measurements are actually covering all areas you are intending to measure. In other words, nothing is left out. According to the textbook authors (Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). Under content validity we have what is called face validity or the researcher’s evaluation that is subjective in their research. Another content validity is called sampling validity which is concerned about whether the population given in the research is sampled adequately. (Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). Since health disparity covers a large area to be sampled, as a researcher I will have to find one area to focus on such as â€Å"uninsured Americans, covering persons 18 years and older, male and females, all ethnic groups will all be a part of the sample. (Felton, 2013). According to authors (Hidalgo & Goodman, (2012). Empirical validity refers to the relationship that is between an instrument that needs to be measured and the outcomes of the measurements. Construct validity relates the issues you are measuring to theoretical framework that is general. In disparities research it will be important to assess the standard criteria needed for the research to do what it is intended to do, especially if you are using different populations. In some cases, questionnaires may be needed to create validity in the study, but not in all studies. If in your disparities  research for uninsured Americans, where things like racism, race, ethnic groups which are considered constructs that are social can be hard to measure. (Felton, 2013) According to the article from (Active Campaign, (2009). In order to ensure validity in my research using content research which will be requiring all areas in my research I want to cover as it relates to health disparities for the uninsured American I would need to use a subjective form of measurement.(Felton, 2013). In the textbook, (Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). The strengths and limitations in the reliability and validity I chose Construct validity strengths are based on how many dimensions and measures construct validity has, construct validity can be operated in a number of ways. (Felton, 2013). In order to ensure reliability for the measurement in my study, first I need to understand as a researcher the importance in the degree of reliability. Reliability is when your measuring instrument contain variable errors or mistakes that appear not all the time between your observation of your research for one time only or every time a variable is measured. So measurements contain two components which are called error component and true component. To further explain reliability which is measured on a ratio between true-score variance and variance in the total score measured. To ensure that my research study on health disparities is reliable for the measurement I will need to be able to distinguish that the results of the research may not be the exact same each time it is done. (Felton, (2013). The strengths and limitations when it comes to health disparities in the terms of reliability and validity can be linked to the fact that there are several components by which health disparities can be measured. Empirical validity and reliability are part of the research that deals with health disparities. One strength of empirical validity is relationships between prediction and results. According to the authors, (Ogden and Lo, (2011). The scale that is most appropriate to use for researching health disparities in uninsured America  Likert scale (tests attitudes) since it requires the researcher build a list of items that needs to be scaled, random research, then total of results. In using Likert scales there will be some limitations in the research involving health disparities. Some limitations are due to the debate on the role of comparisons socially and the impact it would bring on how the scales are completed and the results of the data being researched. ( Felton, 2013). According to authors Lobo and Mateus, (2013). Since in health disparities there are so many areas that need to be measured even access to health care and scales for measurement can help to achieve the needed results for the researcher if you take into account the aspects of the scale that you can enhance and you will continue to need to validate scales in your other populations. (Felton, (2013). According to ( Nowjack-Raymer, (2013), the test that is appropriate for my health disparities research plan would probably looking to better understand inequalities as well as health disparities, another test could involve developing testing with interventions that would be targeting people living in poverty, and we could also consider testing implementation and dissemination approaches for exploration to findings that would be effective in order to assure translation that is fast that could be put into practice, bring about some policies with action within communities. (Felton, (2013). The populations used for the scale and test as it relates to health disparities according to the NIDCR authors (Nowjack-Raymer, (2013), will involve research that will be focused on the vulnerable and disadvantaged population in subgroups. The testing population could include: Elders All ethnic and racial populations that are considered to be under health disparities, this will include Hispanic(Mexican, Puerto Rican, South and Central America, Cuban, and all Spanish speaking nations), African Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islander, and Alaskan Rural low income persons, urban dwellers, including Appalachians Persons who are unable leave their homes due to disabilities and persons who are in institutions  the special needs populations that includes persons living with AIDS, developmental or acquired intellectual or physical disabilities. (Nowjack-Raymer, (2013) Data analysis plan: Since in program research there a number that is limited in the efforts to evaluate and create health disparities involving new strategies with the health care system. Here are some of these program that are being supported by the AHRQ – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for example: (EXCEED) or Excellence Centers to Eliminate Ethnic/Racial Disparities, this is a grant program that looks for ways to eliminate health disparities. (Gillian, (2004). Sampling According to website (,(2013), For my Quantitative Research Plan on Health Disparities using ratio measurement because it is the most common level used to measure disparity. The population (units of analysis that are relevant) for this research will include all uninsured African Americans in the United States today. Statistically according to the new Health Care Law or the Affordable Care Act there are 6.8 million African Americans eligible for benefits under the ACA. (Felton, 2013). The population for my study includes all uninsured African Americans in the United States according to the ACA. Population: 6.8 million – African Americans (including male and female), almost half of this number of young adults. This population need to be defined on the basis of: A. Content, B. Extent, and C. Time. Size: 6.8 million. (,(2013). I have made a  change in my population for research which will be first finding a reference point which is critical when doing research on disparity. According to the authors, (Keppel, Pamuk, Lynch, Careter-Pokras, Kim, Mays, Pearcy, Schoenbach, and Weissman,(2005). I will also need to measure disparity in relative or absolution terms. Disparity is very obvious when you realize that disparity occurs when the amount that separates a group from a reference point that is specified on a measure that is particular to health that is expressed in the terms of percentage, rate, means or some other measure that is quantitative. (Felton, 2013). . According to authors, (Keppel, et al, (2005) Sampling: an individual within the Population such as for example the young adult population size of 3.2 million or 47% don’ t have health insurance from the ages 18 to 35 years of age. Type of Sampling used: Probability sampling. A sample need to be able to represent the population it will be used for. When you want to measure a sample and your objective is to work from individual groups in a certain domain then use comparisons that are pair-wise. When you summarize the measures used in your disparity this will quantify all the groups in opposition and any conclusions based on your summary results should be joined and interpreted using all groups. (Felton, 2013) How the sample will be drawn? When disparities are measured, first the reference point need to be identified, next if any two groups need to be compared the reference point with the favorable group need to be used(lowest rates). When using disparities samples it should be measured in both relative and absolute terms and when you are measuring disparities over various of health indicators it should be shown in terms of events that are adverse. Why did you choose this sample size and why it was chosen in relation to the size of your population? I initially chose this sample size since I had 3 populations to choose from  for the uninsured African American population which were male, female, or young adults and I chose the young adult population since I had a solid statistical number of how many of young adults between the ages of 18 to 35 who are uninsured. I am not totally convinced that choosing a sample size representing millions of people will be the correct course for me to take and I had a terrible time trying to create a graph or chart to show my numbers and I could not get the graph to show. Since the number of uninsured Americans is very high even with the Affordable Care Act being in place, I may have to consider working in another area in health disparity. I was attempting to doing a basic line graph chart showing the age of young adults with no health insurance. Since health disparities covers such a wide range of issues I will have to reconsider what area under health disparity I want to cover and research. Ethical Concerns Health Disparities research has emerging advances which include comparative effectiveness studies and controlled trials that are often conducted at academic sites and multiple communities. The institutional review boards (IRBs) has presented a impediment that is major to the effective and timely conduct of health disparity research. When the research involved the underserved communities and minority along with institutional requirements, ethical standards interpretation may be different. These differences can cause complications in the research protocol and informed consent process and may have a negative effect on how the participants will respect this type of research and the quality of the trials. Also the IRB or institutional review board, can also lead to delays that are unnecessary, jeopardizing the capacity to perform collaborative projects and funding. The Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI), Translational Research Network (TRN) have created a community-partnered approach to run side by side with the IRB review directly across the 18 RCMI institutions grantees that make sure compliance while making it better quality of health disparity research. (Hammatt,. and Nishitani, Junko and Heslin, Kevin and Perry and Szetela, and Jones, and Williams, and Antoine-LaVigne, and Forge, and  Norris, Keith C, (2011). Even though Americans are living longer and are healthier, health disparities still exist. However, policymakers are making a response to the health disparity issue by putting together and introducing legislation that are geared toward getting rid of health disparities. (, (2014). The Uninsured Americans as a health disparity There is about 44 million Americans total without health insurance and another 38 million Americans who do not have enough health insurance to meet their healthcare needs. If persons do not have health insurance it will usually mean putting also necessary care such as: Childhood Immunizations Preventive care Routine check-ups no Primary care doctor no access or limited access to prescription drugs being hospitalized for a condition that otherwise would not have led to a hospital stay that could have been avoided if you had health insurance Because of fear of medical bills you may choose to delay care which will usually lead to more cost to you, especially if you have to go to the emergency room. 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